Past years available for viewing: 2018-2019, 2017-18, 2016-17, 2015-16
Ahia, Māhealani
Editor-in-Chief, Hawaiʻi Review
Editorial Board, ʻŌiwi: A Native Hawaiian Journal
Editorial Board, Manoa Horizons Undergraduate Journal
Fernandez, Pono
Hawaiian Language Editor, ‘Ōiwi 5: Mana Maunakea
Creative Non-Fiction:
“Letters to Kupuna.” ‘Ōiwi 5: Mana Maunakea, edited by ku‘ualoha ho‘omanawanui, Māhealani Ahia, Aaron Ki‘ilau and Pono Fernandez, ‘Āina Momona Press, 2020 (forthcoming)
Hah, Bora
Short Story:
“A Free Life,” Bamboo Ridge Press, Journal of Hawai’i Literature and Arts, no. 118, 2020
Ito-Fujita, Avree
With Nordstrom, Georganne, Nicole Furtado, Gregory Gushiken, Kaitlyn Iwashita, Nicole Kurashige, Kristina Togafau, and Isaac Wang. “Affirming our liminality & writing on the walls: How we welcome in our writing center.” (Re)Defining Welcome, special issue of The Peer Review, vol. 3, no. 1, Summer 2019, http://thepeerreview-iwca.org/issues/redefining-welcome/affirming-our-liminality-writing-on-the-walls-how-we-welcome-in-our-writing-center/, 2019.
Karaan, Maria
“Tandan and Laut: Elemental Relations as Response to Militarism in the Sama Dilaut Kata-Kata.” Látag: Essays on Philippine Literature, Culture, and the Environment. University of the Philippines Press, 2019.
“The Sea of Wombs.” Nora, special issue of Bikol Studies Perspectives & Advocacies, no. 1, 2020
Kurashige, Nicole
Essay: With Nordstrom, Georganne, Nicole Furtado, Gregory Gushiken, Avree Ito-Fujita, Kaitlyn Iwashita, Kristina Togafau, and Isaac Wang. “Affirming our liminality & writing on the walls: How we welcome in our writing center.” (Re)Defining Welcome, special issue of The Peer Review, vol. 3, no. 1, Summer 2019, http://thepeerreview-iwca.org/issues/redefining-welcome/affirming-our-liminality-writing-on-the-walls-how-we-welcome-in-our-writing-center/, 2019.
Loo, Tani
Ivywood Manor. Brain Mill Press, 2019.
“Find Homestyle Filipino Food at Consuelo’s Kusina.” Honolulu Magazine, March 2020. Web
“First Look: Kapispa Kapi’olani Spaghetti House, a New Japanese Restaurant.” Honolulu Magazine, February 2020. Web
“6 Chinese Bakeries to Celebrate the Year of the Rat During Chinese New Year.” Honolulu Magazine, January 2020. Web
Lum, Jade
“Un-Training the Imagination through Adaptation: an Exploration of Gender through Neil Gaiman’s The Sleeper and the Spindle.” Contemporary Fairy Tale Magic: Subverting Gender and Genre, Edited by Lydia Brugué and Auba Llompart Pons, Brill Publishers, 2020.
“The Intertextuality of Moon Child: How Japanese Popular Culture Molds and Interprets Gender and the Vampire.” World Vampire Films: Essays on Seventeen Vampire Cinema Cultures, Edited by James Aubrey, McFarland & Company Inc. Publishers, Summer 2020. (Forthcoming)
Luz, Jordan
Creative Nonfiction:
“Homely Mangoes.” Riza Multimedia Poetry and Art, no. 1, 2019.
“Orientation.” CIRQUE, vol. 10, no. 1, 2019.
Sprott, Zoë
“’The Great Work Begins’: The Reception and Relevance of Tony Kushner’s Angels in America in a Millennial World.” Mānoa Horizons, vol. 4, no. 1, 2019, pp. 19-26.
“Case File #3689.” Vice-Versa, 2019.
Togafau, Kristina
With Nordstrom, Georganne, Nicole Furtado, Gregory Gushiken, Avree Ito-Fujita, Kaitlyn Iwashita, Nicole Kurashige, and Isaac Wang. “Affirming our liminality & writing on the walls: How we welcome in our writing center.” (Re)Defining Welcome, special issue of The Peer Review, vol. 3, no. 1, Summer 2019, http://thepeerreview-iwca.org/issues/redefining-welcome/affirming-our-liminality-writing-on-the-walls-how-we-welcome-in-our-writing-center/, 2019.
“Review of Tatau: A Cultural History of Sāmaon Tattoo.” The Contemporary Pacific, Vol. 32, No. 1, 2020, Spring 2020, pp. 299-301.
“Language Lesson: Anchor Text.” Native. Wards, Vol. 5, 2020. (Forthcoming)
“Language Lesson: Translation.” Native. Wards, Vol. 5, 2020. (Forthcoming)
“Language Lesson: Etymology.” Native. Wards, Vol. 5, 2020. (Forthcoming)
“Language Lesson: Time.” Native. Wards, Vol. 5, 2020. (Forthcoming)
Vo, Quynh
Book chapters:
“We were born from beauty”: Motherly Aesthetics and Poetics of Displacement in Ocean Vuong’s On Earth We Are Briefly Gorgeous” in Refugee, Migrant, and Displaced Motherhood in America, edited by Maria Lombard, forthcoming Fall 2020.
Journal Article:
“Between Nostalgia and Amnesia: The Slavery’s Legacy and Identity Turmoil in Paul Laurence Dunbar’s The Sport of the Gods and Caryl Phillips’s The Atlantic Sound.” Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies Vol. 1, No. 1 (13-23). Forthcoming Fall 2020.
“Viết Là Hành Trình Cô Đơn Đầy Mê Hoặc” Doanh Nhan Plus. 11 April 2020. https://doanhnhanplus.vn/nha-van-my-goc-viet-andrew-lam-viet-la-hanh-trinh-co-don-day-me-hoac-505839.html
“Home Is Rooted In A Sense of Plurality. An Interview with Andrew Lam” Los Angeles Review of Books. 25 May 2019. https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/home-is-rooted-in-a-sense-of-plural- ity-an-interview-with-andrew-lam/
“Đời Người Không Chỉ Gắn Liền Với Một Quê Hương” Da Mau. 22 Jul. 2019. https://damau.org/60829/nh-van-nguoi-my-goc-viet-andrew-lm-doi-nguoi-khng-chi-gan- lien-voi-mot-que-huong
“Nguyễn Thanh Việt: ‘Tôi Muốn Tạo Cho Người Đọc Một Tâm Lý Bất An'” The World and Vietnam. 19 Feb. 2020. https://baoquocte.vn/nguyen-thanh-viet-toi-muon-tao-cho-nguoi-doc-mot-tam-ly-bat-an-106526.html