CriticaLink | General IntroductionCriticaLink is a web-based resource designed by to encourage students to explore the territory shared by literary criticism, literary theory, and philosophy. CriticaLink provides
The author of this site is John David Zuern, Associate Professor in the Department of English at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. Reading Guides The Guides are made up of reading notes that provide a running commentary on the text. Whenever possible, divisions in the reading guides follow logical divisions of the text--books, sections, chapters,lines. To assist the user in getting oriented in the text and the guide, each section of the guide begins with a brief quotation of the lines that open the corresponding division in the text. Terms present a glossary of names and terms that appear in the text. As a way of emphasizing the interrelationships among concepts, definitions in the Terms sections are cross-referenced with terms throughout the available CriticaLink modules. Brief biographies of the authors appear in the Lives sections. Times are made up of cross-referenced timelines placing the texts and their authors in historical contexts. Links in the Times sections open up new browser windows that direct users to relevant sections of the CriticaLink site. The Questions are intended to spur discussion and further investigation into the issues rasied by the texts treated in the Guides. Resources direct users to further reading in selected print and online sources. The developer of this site is John Zuern (, an Assistant Professor in the Department of English at the University of Hawai`i at Manoa and the co-director of the Center for English Studies Technology. The CriticaLink project got underway in March 1998 and is still, alas, in the beginning stages of its development. © 1998 University of Hawai`i |