- Academy of American Poets
- Achiote Press
- The Association of Writers & Writing Programs
- Bamboo Ridge Press
- Bess Press
- Creative Nonfiction Journal
- Creative Writing Programs list at newpages.com
- Duotrope’s Digest Database of over 2125 current markets for short fiction, poetry, and novels/collections.
- Electronic Poetry Center
- Hawai‘i Book Publishers’ Association
- Hawai‘i Review
- International Institute of Modern Letters
- Literary Magazines list at newpages.com
- Litteraria Pragensia
- Mutual Publishing
- New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre
- PEN America Journal
- Stadler Center for Poetry
- Tinfish Net
- Trout
- UH Press
- Waterbridge Review Book news and reviews from the Pacific and South Asia.
- World Literature Today
- Writers’ Centers