What international poets can teach
American poets
This course will
explore the forms, methods, and subjects of selected international, non-English
poets and poetry. It will cover briefly the influence of translations (mainly
from Romance languages) on 20th century American poets, then will explore
whether foreign-language poetry in translation today (mainly from languages of
Asia and the Levant) can be an important source of innovation and inspiration for
younger American poets. The emphasis will be on reading and writing poetry, and
the course will not emphasize a historical survey or translation theory. In
addition to poetry in translation, the readings will focus on essays written by
poets and translators on their art, interviews, etc. Knowledge of a foreign
language is not required, but a strong commitment to writing poetry is.
This is a
workshop course, with students often discussing poetry by their peers; but it
will have an equally strong reading component. It is a seminar course, and each
student will make presentations and lead the class discussion at various times.
Students who are actively writing poetry will get the most benefit from it.
Grades will be based on two substantial papers on poets and poetry, class
presentations, and a portfolio.
Learning Outcomes:
advanced understanding of poetry and poetry writing
deas for new directions in book-length publication
knowledge of international non-English poetry, poets, and techniques in
comparison with American forms, themes, and techniques
once. Pre: 613 or consent.
Books to be announced.