THIS COURSE HAS BEEN CANCELLED, effective 12/4/13. SC**********************************
Informed by work coming
out of several settler colonial contexts (Aotearoa/New Zealand, Canada,
Australia, U.S.), this course would attempt to contribute to the development of
nuanced models for talking about Kanaka Maoli-Settler (non-Native) relations
that have emerged over the last two decades in Hawai‘i, and that foreground the
social relations and material conditions brought about by U.S. colonialism. The
course would begin with a critical overview of theoretical and historical
definitions of settler colonialism, including work by Frantz Fanon, Albert
Memmi, Candace Fujikane, Alex Calder, Steven Turner, Dean Saranillo, Patrick
Woolf, and Haunani-Kay Trask. We would then move on to consider texts that,
implicitly or explicitly, engage the histories of relations and/or
“collaborations” (in the multiple senses of the word) among Kanaka
Maoli and Settlers in different registers (i.e. in fiction, scholarship, around
labor, anti-development activism): this is not to deny the priority of
indigenous claims to belonging, but to explore issues about being together and
models based around friendship and an ethics of dialogue and points of mutual
concern. We would explore, as one example, relationships formed at the Bishop
Museum, such as that between Kenneth Emory and Thomas Maunupau, and those
between Mary Kawena Pukui and various Bishop Museum anthropologists and
University professors; another unit would explore the representation of
interactions among Kanaka Maoli and settler groups in settler, “local,” and
kanaka maoli literatures.
One aim of the course
will be to introduce students to archival research in Hawai‘i. Students will do
reports and semester projects that deal with forms of kanaka maoli-settler
relations/collaborations, or on representations of intercultural relation,
drawing on the extensive materials available at the Hawaiian/Pacific collection
at Hamilton, the State Archives, and the Bishop Museums, the Mission Museum,
Center for Oral History, as well as on the many knowledgeable resources in the
Most of the required
reading will be available as PDFs on Laulima. Texts may include, in addition to
excerpts from the authors mentioned above:
· Milton
Murayama, All I Asking For is My Body
· John
Dominis Holt, Waimea Summer
· Piilani
Kaluaikoolau, The True Story of
· Thomas
Maunupau, Huakai Makaikai a Kaupo, Maui
· Essays
from Candace Fujikane and Jonathan Okamura, eds.
· Asian Settler Colonialism in Hawai’i, stories
by Gary Pak, Darrell Lum, Rodney Morales, Lisa Kanae
· Leila
Gandhi, The Politics of Friendship
· Alex
Calder, The Settler’s Plot
· Armine
Von Tempski, from Born in Paradise
· Alex
Calder and Stephen Turner, eds. Settler
Studies in New Zealand
· Dennis
Kawaharada, from Local Geography: Essays
on Multicultural Hawai‘i
· Gavan
Daws and Bennett Hymer, “Introduction” to Honolulu
· Susan
Schultz, “Intro. to Jack London is Dead”
· Anne
Bishop, Becoming an Ally
· Essays
from Allliances: Re/envisioning
Indigenous-Non-Indigenous Relationships (ed. Lynne Davis).