Composition I

The course’s general aims are twofold: to strengthen
students’ writing and to have them produce it at a functional level consistent
with the university’s expectations.  The
writing will primarily take the form of shorter individual responses to a wide
variety of texts.  Core course elements

  • an engaged reception of selected works
  • an awareness of the varieties of English, their uses and       significance
  • an ability to produce writing appropriate to an academic
    context and readership.

This class will emphasize
analytical/argumentative writing along with personal/experiential writing.  There will be several required conferences.

There are weekly required
readings, and students will be expected to respond to them in writing,
primarily in the form of short in-class essays, both argumentative/analytical
and personal/ experiential.

There will be three longer
papers.  In addition, a selection of  drafts, revisions, and final papers must be
resubmitted in the form of a final portfolio.

This a discussion-based
learning experience; be prepared to contribute.

Required text: Course Reader
(available at Professional Image, 2633 S. King).