In this course we will explore American literary
representations of people “on the border” between races, ethnicities, nations, and
cultures—specifically, mixed-race Americans and first- and second-generation
Americans. We will consider how the narratives of these “hyphenated” characters
compare and contrast, and examine how they reveal and, at the same time,
challenge, societal and political constructs of race in the United States. What
do these works suggest about racial and cultural identities and the formation
of such identities in the future?
This is a writing-intensive course that will feature peer
review and regular class discussion. Required reading not listed below will be
available to download and print via Laulima.
Course Requirements
- Attendance
and participation - Four
4-page papers - Informal
writing assignments - Peer-editing/workshopping
- Final
Required Texts (available
at Revolution Books, 2626 King Street)
- Junot
Diaz, Drown - Nella
Larsen, Quicksand and Passing - Chang-rae
Lee, Native Speaker - R.
Zamora Linmark, Leche - Leslie
Marmon Silko, Ceremony - Barack
Obama, Dreams from My Father: A
Story of Race and Inheritance - Danzy
Senna, Caucasia