Composition I

Perception is 100% of the truth. The only way to change your reality is to shift your focus. In this course, you will explore your assumptions and think deeply about the one certainty in this life: change. From exploring your presumptions about Pidgin and what it is to be local, to searching for symbol and meaning in the ocean, to uncovering the origins of our multi-cultured identities, you will be challenged to best narrate your perceptions, understandings, and feelings. We will further develop strategies for effective college writing with an emphasis on critical reading and thinking. This course includes instruction in the composing process and practice in various kinds of writing, including but
not limited to literary analysis, interpretation, argumentative writing, and research writing from sources.

Access to the internet and a technology-friendly attitude is imperative as you’ll be
responsible for online posting, uploading your papers online, finding e-books
and articles through our online library, etc. This course requires four papers
(twenty pages) of polished written work with the stated premise that WRITING IS
REVISION, which means each paper must be revised at least seven times.

These required texts are available at Revolution Books: 2626 South King St. #201: (808)