This course will help you to build the reading and writing skills that will
help you in your college career and beyond. The course will ask you to become a
close reader who notices and interprets the language and intent of a range of
texts; a critical thinker who can engage with and respond to ideas from various
textual sources; a strategic researcher and note-taker; an articulate,
persuasive and imaginative writer.
Because writing represents ourselves and our communities, this course will
focus on reading and writing the culture of place. You will read a series of
set texts in a variety of forms from memoir to argumentative essay, and have
the opportunity to exchange ideas on them with the class. You will produce some
short pieces of writing in different forms, and three longer essays. In small
groups, you will practice peer-assessment which, along with guided
self-assessment, will provide fuel for the all-important task of revision and
Required Texts:
- A POCKET STYLE MANUAL. Diana Hacker and Nancy Sommers. 6th Edition. Bedford/St.
Martin’s Press. (Available at UH Book Store)
Course Packet:
(Available MaPS, University Ave, one block down from Yoghurtland