Literature will offer practice in close, careful reading and discussion of
selected authors and genres covering an exciting period of American literary
history from the mid-twentieth to the present.
We will look at the structure of American identity in poetry, short
stories, plays, film, fiction and non-fiction as a response to cultural
awakening, social upheaval and artistic expression. Class format will include some lectures but
mostly class discussion and student presentations. You will learn to read texts
for deep meaning, to think critically and to question what you read.
There will be
three essays: two shorter and one longer research essay (all with drafts). MLA
formatting is required of this class. Students will post four reading responses
on the class website. There will be
quizzes, a midterm and a final.
Required Texts: The
Heath Anthology of American Literature: Volume E. This text can be picked
up at Revolution Books, 2626 South King Street, #201. 944-3106. I also recommend A Glossary of Literary Terms by M. H.
Abrams and an English handbook. There may be some handouts that the instructor
will provide on-line.