John David Zuern


Office hours:
MF 12:00–5:00


I am currently the department's Graduate Director.



My recent publications include “Reading Digital Lives Generously" (co-authored with Laurie McNeill) in Research Methods for Auto/Biography Studies (2019) and “Remedial Materialism: What Can Comparative Literature and Electronic Literature Learn from Each Other?” in Comparative Literature (2018).

Areas of Interest

life writing, fiction, narrative studies, comparative literature, digital literature


  • Board of Regents' Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2012
  • Presidential/Chancellor's Citation for Meritorious Teaching, 2005


  • PhD Comparative Literature, University of Texas–Austin
  • MA Comparative Literature, University of Texas–Austin
  • MA English, University of Texas–Austin
  • BA English, Moorhead State University




Fall Semester 2024
  • ENG-625B/E: Theories and Methods of Literary Studies / Theories in Cultural Studies

Spring Semester 2024
  • ENG-320: Introduction to English Studies

Fall Semester 2023
  • ENG-320: Introduction to English Studies

Spring Semester 2023
  • ENG-321: Backgrounds of Western Literature

Fall Semester 2022
  • ENG-464: Studies: Life Writing