The Undergraduate Program


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The English Major

BA Curriculum Map                               

BA Student Learning Outcomes


New majors must meet with the Undergraduate Director for an initial advising session. Continuing majors must meet with their assigned advisor at least once a semester in November and April. Students are expected to consult with their advisor about how best to organize the choices built into the major, which allow for many combinations in a do-it-yourself fashion. However, the English department also provides a number of pathways through the program, each of which offers a set of courses that students can use toward particular goals. 

For advising on general education and graduation requirements, check your STAR account and be sure to see an advisor in The Advising Center for the College of Arts, Languages & Letters (Sakamaki D202) at least once a year.

Graduating soon? See your advisor to complete either a goldenrod note in STAR or our departmental goldenrod form. You can then complete a CALL Intent to Graduate form, available on the Forms page of The Advising Center’s website. Check the Graduation section for additional required forms.

The English Minor

FW and one ENG 270-276 course are prerequisites for the majority of upper-division English courses.

  1. ENG 320, Introduction to English Studies. This course is foundational and should be taken in the student’s first or second semester of upper-division English course work. An override is required to enroll in ENG 320; if you have completed the required prerequisites, email to request an override.
  2. A 300-level ENG elective
  3. A 400-level ENG elective
  4. An 300 or 400-level ENG elective
  5. An 300 or 400-level ENG elective


  • Minors must complete at least 6 of their 15 upper-division credit hours in English courses at UH Mānoa.
  • Courses with final grades of C- or lower cannot fulfill minor requirements

To declare an English minor, email Valerie Jun at