Valerie Wayne specializes in early modern English literature, including Shakespeare and his contemporaries, with an emphasis on gender, scholarly editing, and book history. She retired from the University of Hawai‘i in 2010 but is still active in research.
Information about her 2020 edited collection, Women's Labour and the History of the Book in Early Modern Women, and its 2022 paperback edition is available on the Bloomsbury website:
Her edition of Cymbeline for the Arden Shakespeare, third series, can be previewed on (link at the end of publications below).
Professional Service: Wayne has been a Trustee of the Shakespeare Association of America (2007-10), served on the editorial board of Shakespeare Quarterly (2007-12), and was a member of the Modern Language Association's committee on the New Variorum Shakespeare (2008-11, Chair, 2012) as well as the NVS Working Group (2017-19). She's now on the governing board of NVS at Texas A&M and convenor for the Global Premodern Seminar at UHM. In 2000 she was president of the Society for the Study of Early Modern Women.
Teaching: In addition to UH, she has taught at the University of Illinois, Chicago, the University of Liverpool, the University of Kansas, and the University of Szeged in Hungary.
- Women's Labour and the History of the Book in Early Modern England. Ed. Valerie Wayne. London: Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare, 2020 and 2022. Hbk, pbk, and e-book.
- William Shakespeare. Cymbeline. Ed. Valerie Wayne. London: Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare, 2017. Hardback, paperback, and e-book.
- Staging Early Modern Romance: Prose Fiction, Dramatic Romance, and Shakespeare. Ed. Mary Ellen Lamb and Valerie Wayne. New York: Routledge, 2009; paperback, 2010.
- Thomas Middleton: The Collected Works. General Editors, Gary Taylor and John Lavagnino. Associate General Editors: MacDonald P. Jackson, John Jowett, Valerie Wayne, Adrian Weiss. 2 vols. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2007; paperback, 2010. MLA’s Distinguished Scholarly Edition Award, 2009; Elizabeth Dietz Award for the Best Work in Early Modern Studies, 2011.
- Joseph Keene Chadwick: Interventions and Continuities in Irish and Gay Studies. Ed. John Rieder, Joseph O’Mealy, and Valerie Wayne. Honolulu: College of Languages, Linguistics, and Literature, University of Hawai‘i, 2002.
- Anne Cooke Bacon. Selected and introduced by Valerie Wayne. The Early Modern Early Englishwoman: A Facsimile Library of Essential Works. Ed. Betty S. Travitsky and Patrick Cullen. Series I: Printed Writings 1500-1640: Part 2. Vol. 1. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2000.
- Edmund Tilney, The Flower of Friendship: A Renaissance Dialogue Contesting Marriage. Ed. and introduced by Valerie Wayne. Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 1992.
- The Matter of Difference: Materialist Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare. Ed. Valerie Wayne. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf; Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 1991.
Podcasts and Interviews
- "History of Cymbeline" on "That Shakespeare Life," interview with Cassidy Cash.
- Interview with New Books Network on Women's Labour and the History of the Book in Early Modern England .
- Interview with Sara Becker of American Players Theatre on the production history of Cymbeline, August, 2021.
Selected Articles and Book Chapters
- "Cymbeline, Janus, and Folded Time." Temporality, Genre and Experience in the Age of Shakespeare. Ed. Lauren Shohet. London: Bloomsbury, 2018. 253-65.
- "Beyond the OED loop: Digital Resources and the Arden 3 Cymbeline." Shakespeare's Language in Digital Media: Old Words, New Tools. Ed. Janelle Jenstad, Mark Kaethler, and Jennifer Roberts-Smith. London: Routledge, 2018. 13-26.
- "The Gendered Text and its Labour." The Oxford Handbook of Shakespeare and Embodiment: Gender, Sexuality, and Race. Ed. Valerie Traub. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2016. 549-68.
- "The First Folio's Arrangement and Its Finale." Shakespeare Quarterly 66.4 (Winter 2015), 389-408.
- "Life after Retirement: Two Alternatives in Dialogue," with Linda Woodbridge. How to Build a Life in the Humanities. Ed. Greg Colón Semenza and Garrett A. Sullivan, Jr. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. 223-30.
- “Remaking the Texts: Women Editors of Shakespeare, Past and Present.” Women Making Shakespeare. Ed. Gordon McMullan, Lena Cowen Orlin and Virginia Mason Vaughan. London: Bloomsbury, 2014. 57-67.
- “Don Quixote and Shakespeare’s Collaborative Turn to Romance.” The Quest for Cardenio: Shakespeare, Fletcher, Cervantes, and the Lost Play. Ed. David Carnegie and Gary Taylor. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2012. 217-38.
- “Romancing the Wager: Cymbeline’s Intertexts.” Staging Early Modern Romance: Prose Fiction, Dramatic Romance, and Shakespeare. Ed. Mary Ellen Lamb and Valerie Wayne. New York: Routledge, 2009. 163-87.
- “Assuming Gentility: Thomas Middleton, Mary Carleton and Aphra Behn.” Women and Politics in Early Modern England, 1450-1700. Ed. James Daybell. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004. 237-50.
- “Cymbeline: Patriotism and Performance.” A Companion to Shakespeare’s Works.Vol. IV: The Poems, Problem Comedies and Late Plays. Ed. Jean E. Howard and Richard Dutton. Oxford: Blackwell, 2003. 389-407.
- “The Woman’s Parts of Cymbeline.” Staged Properties in Early Modern English Drama. Ed. Jonathan Gil Harris and Natasha Korda. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2002. 288-315. Rpt. Shakespeare Criticism Vol. 84. Ed. Michelle Lee. Farmington Hills, Michigan: Gale Group, 2004.
- A fuller list of publications is available at
Areas of Interest
Early modern literature, especially drama, Shakespeare, women and culture, book history, textual editing
- NEH Research Seminar, "The Formation and Re-formation of the Book, 1450-1650" at the Huntington Library, 2017
- Bogliasco Foundation Fellowship / Shakespeare Association of America, 2014
- MLA’s Distinguished Scholarly Edition Award to the editors of Thomas Middleton: The Collected Works, 2009
- Folger Shakespeare Library Hinman Senior Fellowship, 2003
- Short-Term Fellowships, Huntington Library, 1982; Folger, 2012
- Board of Regents’ Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1985 (the university's highest honor for teachers)
- College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature Excellence in Teaching Award, 1985
B.A., DePauw University; M.A., University of Chicago; Ph.D., University of Chicago