This course explores the relationship between the self and the world via two genres of creative writing: poetry and creative nonfiction. How do we observe the world through a writerly lens, and how do we render our observations and experiences on the page? How do we write in a way that moves readers, puts us in touch with our senses, and questions deeply? And how do we, as individual writers, take on the task of creating together? To answer these and other questions, we will focus on such elements of creative writing as imagery, diction, figurative language, setting, voice, character, and plot. More than anything, however, this course is meant to be an introduction to the fundamentals of the creative process, which includes: finding (not just waiting for) inspiration, generating ideas, writing rough (even bad) drafts, taking risks, exchanging feedback, articulating vision, revising, reflecting on process, and participating in a creative community. In other words, this is a course that honors the process just as much as the product.
Students will read—and sometimes emulate—poems and essays each week, submit new writing weekly, and give/receive feedback on each other’s writing in the form of a workshop in each genre. Students will revise their writing and turn in a 10-15 page portfolio at the end of the term.