Course Description:
The goal of this class is to prepare you to work as an undergraduate writing consultant at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Writing Center. In this class, you will learn both the practical aspects of tutoring and the theory that undergirds the work we do as tutors. In addition to course work, students will work several hours each week in the UHM Writing Center through which they will gain actual tutoring experience. Discussions in this class will center around what happens in the Writing Center, and we will explore the intersections topics such as writing, language, literacy, genre, culture, identity, emotions, colonialism, and power, and how these topics play out in the work of tutoring writing. The goal of this class is for you to develop a stance as a tutor—to understand the complex dynamics of a tutorial session, develop a toolbox of skills to help writers, and understand how you can leverage your unique strengths as a writing consultant. This is a tutoring practicum, which means that you will spend time in the Writing Center observing sessions, talking to current tutors, and getting experience tutoring.
Because this course involves a 5 hour/wk paid tutoring position, students need to be nominated and apply to enroll. For more information on how to apply, please contact Dr. Isaac K Wang at
Class meetings will be conducted once a week in person.
Major Assignments:
- Weekly discussion board posts of between 350 and 500 words responding to the readings for the week
- Presentation with a partner on a key concept or practice related to Writing Center theory, practice, or pedagogy
- A 1700 to 2500 word essay reflecting on how your own history of English usage and literacy developed
- Reflections on observed sessions and an observation portfolio that consists of your reflections and a 1000 to 1500 word meta-analysis drawing on class conversations and readings
- A 10-12 page research paper that explores a writing center-related topic that interests you
Required Texts:
- Ryan, R. & Zimmerelli, L. (2016). The bedford guide for writing tutors (6th ed.). Bedford/St. Martin’s.
All other readings and supplementary materials will be available to you on Laulima or linked through Google Drive.