Peter Hühn and Roy Sommer define narration as a
“communicative act in which a chain of happenings is meaningfully structured
and transmitted in a particular medium and from a particular point of view.”
This definition applies not only to fiction but also to certain modes of
poetry, song lyrics, and dramatic works. This
ENG 313 course will examine the art of storytelling via different media. We all
tell stories. The challenge is to find the best or most appropriate vehicle by
which to tell them. We will experiment with different genres, and explore
different narrative strategies, whether it be telling a story via poetry or
song lyric, or by the more conventional short story, or by having characters
engage in dialogue in dramatic form. Specific exercises will include recalling,
transcribing and/or inventing dialogue; crafting scenes; transforming a short
narrative from prose to verse and vice versa; and more.
Course Requirements:
• approximately 5 pages of poetry and/or song
• a short story, roughly 6 to 10 pages long
• a creative non-fiction story, roughly
6 to 10 pages long
• attendance and participation
Born to Run,
Christopher McDougall
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, Junot Diaz
There will also be a course reader, which will be available at Professional