this course, we’ll be investigating prose forms characterized by brevity
(“briefness”). We will read, discuss,
and write in prose genres such as short stories, flash fiction, comic strips,
literary essays, fan letters, and novellas.
Much of the material we will work with will be in some sense
“experimental,” but it will also be accessible and enjoyable. You, in your assignments, are also encouraged
to experiment; to play, to work with the constraints and possibilities of
unfamiliar genres and to be surprised and delighted by the results. We will work together to develop a vocabulary
for evaluating fiction and literary non-fiction. We will apply that vocabulary both to the
published work we encounter, and to you and your classmates’ efforts in composition. Major assignments will include reading
presentations and a series of reading responses, creative writing for workshop
and discussion, written critiques of classmates’ work, and a final exam. Class participation will also be a
significant factor in your final grade.
texts (available at Revolution Books):
Barry, One! Hundred! Demons!
Boully, The Body: an Essay
Howard, Foreign Correspondent
Ruocco, Man’s Companions
will also be a course-pack for this class.