How has colonialism impacted, and continues to impact, places and
peoples differently? How have writers and artists responded to different forms
of postcolonial struggle and oppression, and how does literature imagine
decolonial and anti-colonial futures? How can we trace literary histories of
resistance, and how have these creative strategies and interventions changed
over time? Where do we fit into these histories—how have they impacted our
lives and how can we choose to shape future stories? Our main texts will
challenge us to make historical and contemporary connections between Hawai‘i,
the U.S. continent, the Caribbean, and Guam. We will be thinking critically
about the neocolonial systems, in particular tourism and militarism, that
already connect us. We will also be pushing ourselves to build alternative,
decolonial relationships through creative and critical expression.
Course Requirements
- attendance and lively
class discussion and participation - 4 four-page critical
essays - regular blog posts,
creative writing assignments - final exam/project
Required Texts (available at Revolution Books, 2626 King Street)
- Jamaica Kincaid, A Small Place(1988)
- Rodney Morales, ed. Ho‘iho‘i Hou(1984)
- Leslie Marmon Silko, Ceremony(1977)
- Craig Santos Perez, (from unincorporated territory) saina(2010)