Composition I for Transfers

Graphic Novels, Fairy Tales, and Chinese Literature are just some
examples of the texts students can expect to encounter in this
iteration of English 190.

Over the course of 3 units, students will plan, write, and revise 5
papers of various types and lengths.  Each essay contributes to the
next in this constructivist approach to English 100.  Students will
begin with writing simple analytical pieces and end with a research
paper, revising, editing, and evaluating all the way.

Along the way, students will read scholarly articles, fairy tales,
graphic novels, and foreign literature (translated into English, of
course) to grant them as broad an exposure as possible to the many types of genres they may encounter in their college careers.

Scholarly discourse, rhetorical strategies, reading strategies, and
graphic organizers will accompany these new texts, equipping the
students with new ways of approaching and utilizing a broad spectrum
of texts.

Students can expect to see Joseph Campbell’s monomyth, Gene Luen Yang’s American Born Chinese, Rumiko Takahashi’s Inu-Yasha, and Wu Cheng-en’s Journey to the West.

Texts will be available in the campus bookstore, but students may find it more convenient to obtain them through online means, as digital versions exist for some of the texts.

PLEASE NOTE, that while the subjects of the papers and materials may vary, the core of the class is the construction and craft of essays and writing in general.

Required Texts:
A Pocket Style Manual, 6th Edition. Diana Hacker. ISBN: 0312542542
American-Born Chinese. Gene Luen Yang. (Any format is acceptable)
Monkey: A Folk Novel of China. Arthur Waley (trans).  ISBN: 0802130860