The aim of this
course is to make you a better writer, which means becoming a better reader. We
will read successful writers and discuss what they do and why they succeed,
with an eye toward appropriating and using their techniques. You will write
five essays. We will emphasize craft, which means revision, the heart and soul
of writing. You must have something to write, and so we will discuss issues of
substance—we need to be aware of ourselves and others and our place in the
world. Presentation matters, in writing as in speech and dress, and so we will
address problems in grammar and syntax. Lastly, we will meet one-on-one
regularly to discuss your work and guide your writing. This course will better
prepare you to meet your future writing needs for your academic career and life
in general.
Required texts include
- Diana Hacker’s A Pocket Style Manual, 5th edition with 2010 APA Update, Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2009;
- 75 Readings: An Anthology,Santi V. Buscemi and Charlotte Smith, eds., 11th ed. McGraw-Hill, 2010;
- and a Course Packet, available at
Campus Copy.