We live in a media centered world that
inundates us with information from television, internet, radio, digital
devices, and books. We are all readers and writers, but how often are we
conscious of our positions, or our interactions in this environment? How often
do we view reading and writing as tools from a skill set necessary to succeed
in a media saturated world?
The primary goal of this course is to provide
first year students with the tools to prepare you for your careers as college
writers and readers. We will examine how to be an active and critical reader of
the information we receive on a daily basis. In this course, we will look at a
variety of texts from rap lyrics and slam poetry to television and graphic
novels. We will question our assumptions, as we look at this material. We will
study our communication styles, and we will attempt to look at the goals and
methods found behind the continuous stream of words and images we entertain for
most of our waking lives. Be prepared to discuss issues that are sometimes
perceived as controversial in our society.
Assignments will include one 5 page paper and
one 15 page research paper that will be broken down into three to four parts.
Revision, with the intention of asking you to re-think your writing, and how
you are conveying your ideas, will be an expected part of this course. Expect
to do at least one oral presentation, and you will also contribute to a weekly
blog. Posting to the blog 12 hours prior to class time is mandatory on days
reading assignments are due. You will also be asked to submit a review of
one live performance that occurs during the semester. This could be a play,
poetry reading, or concert. Attendance and participation will be a significant
part of your final grade.
Readings will be from photocopies and digital
files provided by the instructor, and a course reader available for purchase at
Professional Image.