This writing-intensive course builds on basic writing skills learned in Composition I (English 100) and will give students practice thinking critically about writing’s purpose and its ability to communicate with specific audiences. Considerable attention will be spent on writing as process: your process (past and present), an ideal process, and the processes others have developed. We will identify, question, and ponder the concept of “good writing,” exploring definitions of “good” in each student’s major field. We’ll also discuss how students are being socialized into their chosen field.
Because “writing and rewriting are a constant search for what one is saying” (according to fiction writer, John Updike), feedback from readers is invaluable. Constructive comments from fellow students as well as conferences with the instructor will help students discover strengths and weaknesses in their writing. This course will also teach revising strategies along with editing and proofreading skills.
Class attendance is mandatory
Required: Eng. 200 Course Materials booklet available from Curriculum Research & Development, College of Education; access to online writing resources such as; access to myuhportal and Laulima for additional reading material.