Writing is a lifelong process. This course is designed to introduce you to college-level writing and its relation to reading and critical thinking. We will look at how to develop writing strategies that will prepare you for writing in professional and academic contexts.
The goal of this course is for you to develop an effective presentation of ideas to an identifiable audience. We will work on questioning your assumptions, analyzing sources, and developing your own persuasive argument and voice. Throughout the course, we will practice critical thinking, close reading, and freewriting.
University English 100 “Student Learning Outcome” Mandate
At the end of the first-year writing course, students can:
- Compose a text to achieve a specific purpose and respond adeptly to an identifiable audience.
- Provide evidence of effective strategies for generating, revising, editing, and proofreading a text in order to produce finished prose.
- Be able to compose an argument that makes use of source material that is relevant and credible and that is integrated in accordance with an appropriate style guide.
These SLOs are based on five hallmarks that were approved by the General Education Foundations Board on April 21, 2006, which in turn were based on earlier hallmarks for first-year writing courses across the UH System.
Course Texts:
- SISTA TONGUE (Lisa Linn Kanae), available at Revolution Books.
- Course Reader, available at Professional Image