Internship: Instructor Approval

ENG 495 gives students the opportunity to get hands-on experience in a
field related to English studies. The Department of English matches a student
intern with an appropriate host organization, and depending on the host’s
needs, the intern spends the semester assisting with writing, editing,
copyediting, research, public relations, and other communications-oriented

Interns commit to working
8-12 hours each week for their host organizations. These are unpaid
internships; students in the program earn three academic credits, and the
internship experience counts as one of the 400-level electives for the English
major.  Students who qualify for the
internship program are usually in the final semesters their degree programs at
the university. They are mature, professional, and well prepared to take on
appropriate responsibilities.

The host organization plays
a direct supervisory role with the intern, assigning work and giving feedback
as necessary. The UHM-based supervisor of the internship program remains in
contact with the students throughout the semester and is always available if
questions or concerns arise. Interns send the supervisor weekly reports on
their activities, and they write a mid-semester and final report on their
experience. They also compile a portfolio of work they have completed during
their time with the host organization.

Sponsoring an intern requires hosts to devote time to orienting and
supervising a temporary staff member, so we strive to place only the strongest
students with our community partners. Students must first interview with the
UHM-based supervisor and submit a sample of their writing. The host
organization will then interview the prospective intern, and may decline to
take on students who appear to be unsuitable for the position.

Internships offer invaluable
experience with the day-to-day operations of the kind of publications,
businesses, and organizations in which English majors and minors typically seek
employment. An internship on your resume and a strong letter of recommendation
from your host will give you an advantage when you’re applying for jobs.

You will need an override to
enroll in ENG 495. Please contact John David Zuern at if you’d like to pursue an internship this coming

In addition to the hosts
listed below, you may organize your own internship with an organization you
identify yourself. All internship arrangements have to be approved by the UHM
supervisors of the internship program.


Host Organizations for UHM English Department Interns


The following organizations are all potential hosts
for UHM English interns. Some organizations require an additional application.

American Civil Liberties Union of Hawai‘i

writing, research, program

Office of the Chancellor, University of Hawai‘i at

public relations, research,
writing, copyediting, proofreading, Web and social media writing, professional

Coalition for a Tobacco-Free Hawai‘i

research, program support

Hawaii Book and Music Festival (typically Spring semester only)

event planning, project
management, public relations, research, writing, copyediting, Web and social
media writing, professional correspondence

Hawaii Business Magazine

writing, reporting,
copyediting, proofreading, research, Web and social media writing

Hawai‘i Council on the Humanities

writing, research, social
media, program support

Hawaii Home + Remodeling

writing, reporting,
copyediting, proofreading, research, Web and social media writing

Hawaii Literacy

writing, research, program

Honolulu Weekly

writing, reporting,
copyediting, proofreading, research, Web and social media writing


‘Iolani Palace

writing, research, program

Ka Leo

writing, reporting,
copyediting, proofreading, research, Web and social media writing

Mānoa: A Pacific Journal of
International Writing

copyediting, proofreading, project management, professional

Mara Miller, Consultant and Independent Scholar,
Philosophy, Art History, & Asian Studies

execution of a literary
estate, research, project management, professional correspondence

Olomana Marketing LLC

writing, copyediting,
proofreading, research, public relations, Web and social media writing

Pacific New Media Program, UHM Outreach

Web and social media writing,
copyediting, professional correspondence, event planning

Tinfish Press

proofreading, marketing, events planning, web development, social media