Poetry Workshop

The Poets Malaga / Journey

Course Description

What kind of poet are you?

What kind of poet do you want to become?

How do you hold a mirror up to the world around you?

What sparks your writer instinct?

Are you aware of your creative process? How can you expand it?

This course will focus on the creative process of the poet, why you write and how you can best flourish as a poet. We will explore how as poets we can curate intentional practices and environments in order to create and write.

The writing intensives will involve using templates and models of varied creative processes to create poetry and providing space for students to experiment with identifying and developing their own creative process. Provide you the opportunity to practice how you record your creative process, research, editing. You will also develop practical writer collateral like a CV/resume, artist statement, portfolio that you can use in the promotion of your work should you decide to pursue a professional artistic career path.

All writing intensives and course work will help form your writers journal (which records your creative process) and writers portfolio.

Reading texts for this course will be provided in a course reader.