Composition I (Session II)

The Three R’s: Reading, Reasoning, and ‘Riting

The course’s general aims are twofold: to strengthen students’ writing and to have them produce it at a functional level consistent with the university’s expectations. Core course elements are:
*an engaged reception of selected works
*an awareness of the varieties of English, their uses and significance
*an ability to produce writing appropriate to an academic context and readership.

This class will emphasize analytical/argumentative writing along with personal/experiential writing. There will be several required conferences. Students will freewrite at the end of class on a regular basis. A daily reading schedule will be affected through a discussion-based pedagogy, small-group and class-wide.

Course Requirements

• Attendance and participation
• Six short essays
• Three medium-length essays
• A final portfolio

Required Texts

• Course Reader (available from Professional Image, 3520 Wai‘alae Ave.)
• A thin writing tablet

The writing asignments will consist of six short essays and three mid-range essays. In addition, a selection of these papers will be revised and resubmitted in the form of a final portfolio.