Composition I

English 100 is an introduction to composition. We will be studying different
modes of writing, which include life writing, professional writing, and
argumentative writing. In this course, you will learn how to write effectively for a
variety of audiences and in a variety of forms so that you will be better prepared
to identify and work across the writing contexts that you’ll encounter in your
college courses and outside of them (e.g., in your job). We are going to study
popular culture, movies, and music as a way to engage these practices. We will
also have fun.
We will write 4 major essays during the semester. This will include a personal narrative essay, a personal statement, and a research essay with an annotated bibliography. We will also have weekly short writing assignments, and response and reflection posts. All of our assignments and readings will be run through our Laulima class website.

There are no texts to purchase. All readings will be posted to Laulima.

This class will be run synchronusly, meaning that we will meet at our daily scheduled time via Zoom. We will also be using Google Docs in our class interactions.