Composition I

This course is designed for you to develop your college writing skills through many different writing exercises and assignments. We will be interrogating the importance of place, of our own relationships with Hawai‘i. You will work to see your writing as a process where you engage critically with various forms of academic writing including: the personal narrative, summary and response, image analysis, a research paper where you will locate a social issue in Hawai‘i that you will research and develop through various academic sources, and finally a reflection paper where you will discuss your journey through the semester. You will have a chance to revise and revisit each paper after its final due date—the idea being that writing as a process is never complete.

Writing takes constant practice: whether you are a poet, a novelist, an essayist, or a student, you will have to work at your craft. We will do this through weekly writing assignments. You will be graded on you participation as well as the hard copies of essays that you turn into me. To gain the most out of this course, you will need to attend class and complete assignments on time, AND to engage with the material by pushing your critical thinking, reading, and writing abilities.